Wow, this addition was particlarly packed with great information! One item that peaked my interest the most was about Rhodiola Rosea Root and all it's benefits. I researched it further and found that there is some evidence that it inhibits the growth of some cancer cells!

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Thanks Mama! We put a lot of work into this one, and will be continuing to invest more and more energy into these as long as we continue to get good feedback like this :)

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I contacted a gentleman who has spent years researching and recommending supplements for various ailments, most recently having success with Parkinson's. He did some research into Rhodiola and found that it's very complicated, but that yes, indeed, there is evidence to support its suppression of some kinds of cancer tumour cells and metastasis. He also is very brand specific and recommended Nootropics Salidos Quick Dissolve tablets.

What a discovery that would be for me and so many others and all because of this blog! Of course I immediately ordered it.

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Good for you! So glad to hear it was helpful.

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